Message From the Pastor
Greetings to you in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. I was born and brought up in a Methodist family in Batticaloa, Sri Lanka. My father is a Reverend, and my mother is involved in the ministry with him. I was brought up in a very devoted and spiritual Christian family built on Christian principles. My father and his family were involved in Christian Missions and helped people with their needs during the early days. Currently, most of them are Pastors all over the world. When I was a teenager, I used to support Churches with their Ministries (Church, Village and Evangelism Ministries).
Ever since I was a teenager, I had a passion for serving the Lord and wanted to do more and more for the Lord. I had faced so many trials and tribulations while spreading the Word of God, but God was always there for me, saving me from many life-threatening situations.
I got married to my beautiful wife Gail, by the pure will of God in 2003 and we migrated to Australia. Through God’s grace I was able to attain a manager position in one of the leading banks in Australia, two beautiful daughters later and life was good.
Despite the external success, as time passed, I felt something was missing, I had forgotten the reason God brought me to this country. I went looking for the reason for my emptiness and that’s when God revealed his purpose and plan for me. It was a purpose for which he brought me to this country; to spread the word of God, to bring a light to those in darkness and to relieve people living in bondage (Joel 2:18-32)
For 8 years, I worshipped God in an Australian Church as a non-active member. In 2014, we as a family started our ministry at home with the faith and hope that Jesus would bless my work.
Amidst numerous trials & tribulations, my wife was a great support for me during this difficult period.In 2016, I was ordained as a pastor at Jesus Family Church USA and registered our church “Jesus Family Church Australia” in 2016.
My Father (Rev. Wesley Rajadurai) is a pillar of our ministry who has given much spiritual support and advice. The Lord started doing mighty things through me, and now I can finally understand God’s plan of placing me in this country (Mark 16:15, “He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.”) Our ministry is growing by the grace of our Lord. I humbly request you pray for our Ministry and all persecuted Christian brothers and sisters suffering around the world. I hope this testimony of mine helps encourage your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
In Christ,
Pastor Edward Wesley